Sunday, February 21, 2010

Social Security Reform: The Problem and Proposed Solutions

Social Security is the US Government’s retirement income program. It covers almost all workers (e.g. most Federal, state and local Government workers are not covered; they have their own pension system). It is the primary source of retirement income for about two-thirds of American retirees. The other third either have defined benefit (provided by an employer, such as the GM pension plan) or a defined contribution plan (most commonly, a 401k plan) that the retiree contributed to while working.
Now because of the baby bombers’ retiring the Social Security is paying out more than it is taking in. This is where the problem comes in. Now that the SS is paying out more it is adding to our national debt, because we have to borrow money to pay the retirees. A solution that the web page thought of doing would be something like a pay as you go type deal. They would raise taxes to bring more money in to cover the extra money they have to pay out now.

In my opinion I would just turn the Social Security out to a private business that could manage the money and make sure it doesn't run out, because what the government has done clearly isn't working. The government has taken money out of Social Security without putting the money back into it. Maybe if it was in the hands of private business they could get it under control, and be able to turn it around. If this would happen Social Security will be around for when I retire.

Issue #2

Issue #1

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bill Clinton

Former President Clinton left a New York hospital early Friday, less than a day after doctors performed a procedure to restore blood flow in one of his coronary arteries.

I personally don't care for Clinton. He was not a very good president and he embarrassed the nation several times. The man's a millionaire and we get to pay for his health care? There's something seriously WRONG with that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, seems to be the way of the democrats. Even though I don't care for your way of leading, I am to see that you are going to be okay. Death is nothing to celebrate about.