Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oil in the ocean

President Obama unveiled plans Wednesday to open large swaths of U.S. coastal waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico to oil and natural gas drilling -- a move likely to please the energy industry but upset the administration's environmentalist supporters. The administration plan would include lifting a 20-year ban on drilling off the Virginia coastline, while putting the clamps on sites such as southwest Alaska's Bristol Bay. Parts of the Arctic Ocean off Alaska's North Slope, however

i say drill. i am sick of paying 2.50-3.25 dollars for a gallon of gas. if drill will help to lower the cost of gas i would drill in the ocean. the ocean is huge if people are afraid that their fishies might die, there is plenty of water for the fish to swim around in. we are only taking a small portion of the water that whole ocean has to offer.

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